Saturday, November 24, 2012

Beautiful Fall

We've had such a beautiful fall.  For me, Thanksgiving typically marks the end of fall and beginning of winter.  Today the weather is clear, sunny, and unusually warm for Northern Utah.

Ryan's cute little huskies are here because her back is still so out.  I've been taking them for walks in City Creek Canyon.  There is an off leash area and the huskies run circles around Dallas and I as we hike up the canyon.  Usually, Dallas leads the way and the huskies obey him as the pack leader. I've had people stop and take pictures, simply because it's so unusual and hilarious. Never underestimate the power of a strong willed Yorkie.  Dallas has successfully taken the mantel of Alpha from his father, Kujo.  Watching Dallas boss these huskies around and watching them cower to his will is so funny.  Then, just walking in our beautiful canyons, so close to the city, has brought me such joy.

Here are a couple of pics from earlier this fall:

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