Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bear Lake in Winter

My mom and I went up to Bear Lake for a short trip.  Before we left, I took her to Menchies for frozen yogurt.  She proceeded to try every flavor, carefully evaluate each one, and decided upon vanilla.

The lake wasn't frozen over, but huge chunks of ice floated on top.  The blue water with the white ice was spectacular.  It was so quiet up there, as my feet were crunching on the snow, I could hear it echoing down by the lake.

I was able to take a spin on the golf course on my cross country skiis.  The dogs ran around and had a complete blast. 

On the way back, we chatted about our peculiar human species and how humans are supposedly the most intelligent yet most destructive, savage, and evil species on this earth.  I asked my mom if she thought that it was a sign of the times, or if we are just more aware of the evil in the world because communications is so quick and widespread.

My mom passed a moment and said she thought that it was because our communications is so rapid.  She told me during WWII, she gained knowledge of what was happening in the Nazi Concentration Camps by watching "Movie Time News," which started before the movie.  She said that no one was ever late to movies, because those previews were the best source of news available.  She said that sometimes, she couldn't watch the Movie Times News, because the images were so horrific and graphic.

She paused for a moment and said that the news was so horrible, she wondered if it was inflated and propaganda.  She paused a very long time and then said, "It was even more devastating when we realized it wasn't."

This conversation probably started, because while we were still at Bear Lake, we saw that the funeral for Susan Cox Powell's children was being broadcast on KSL.  As a result, we talked about Susan Cox Powell's beautiful children and their evil murder last Sunday.  We both decided that we were going to try not to ever say the murderer's name, because many close to Susan Cox Powell said that is exactly what he would have wanted--to be remembered and for concocting such a huge and memorable demise.  Hence, we are going to try to erase him from our history, at least.

We talked about the quotes that some of the murderer's family has released.  I hadn't heard it, but apparently some Aunt and Uncle of his issued a statement basically blaming the media, the law enforcement agencies persecution of him, etc. This denial bound and blaming couple refused to admit that the murderer was responsible for his own evil actions.  My mom and I both scoffed at their stupid statement.

My mom said, "I can think of hundreds, if not thousands, through-out history who have been savagely persecuted, to the point of torture and death, and haven't done anything so evil.  It defies biology (to propagate the species and "spread their seed"), it defies everything emotional, civil, psychological and spiritual that defines human beings as human.

I added a scoff to her sentiments, "The only one I am aware of who murdered his own children and then committed suicide was Hiltler himself.  And he did it as the Allies were about to seize him.  Much like this murderer last weekend."

The tone in the car driving home was somber for awhile longer.  Then we rounded a corner and saw the beautiful blue sky about this patch of red rock cliffs.  I gasped and exclaimed how beautiful it was.  My mom said, "The beauty always comes."

By the way, we went to Menchies on the way home.  Again, she tried every flavor and she still decided to get vanilla.

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