Thursday, September 15, 2011


I'm loving my backyard this evening.  I think I'm mozy up to the store and buy something for the grill, maybe some corn on the cob, salad, and such.  Kelly asked me to take pictures of the garage since I added the window boxes and the patio lights.  Here it is:

And here is my magical watering can:

Here's the view from my bedroom:

I think Cindy is en route from Australia.  She leaves Friday or Saturday, so I think that means she's in the air now or sometime soon.  She's such a trooper, 5 little kids on a 24 hour flight!

That is worth praising (or sending condolences).  Hope everyone is having as wonderful of an evening as I am, and you can all thank Kelly for being the catalyst for me to take the camera out of my pocket and snap.

PS: I went to the store today in my slippers, and I thought of Kenna in Missouri in the snow.  Yes, she wore her slippers, said they had better traction.  I thought, "If she can do it, so can I!"  (okay, that's a bit of a justification.  I've been known to wear my teddybear slippers to the market when the boys were little. Something their mother would NEVER do.  They laughed and laughed and laughed!)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

gorgeous! And so very relaxing--perfect!